We value your opinion!

We are in the process of redesigning RightWingWatch.org, and we’re looking for feedback from visitors like you to help improve our online experience.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to provide your valuable input on our web presence. This survey should take no more than 10 minutes of your time.

Question Title

* 1. How often do you visit RightWingWatch.org?

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* 2. If you have visited previously, what most frequently drives you to RightWingWatch.org?

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* 3. If you share Right Wing Watch content with others, how do you do so? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. How valuable are the following types of Right Wing Watch content and features for you? (scale 1-5, 1=not valuable and 5= incredibly valuable)

  1 (not valuable) 2 3 4 5 (incredibly valuable)
Updates on right-wing events (e.g. the Republican National Convention)
Breaking news from the Right Wing
Updates that include videos or audio clips
Longer posts that explore right-wing subjects in greater detail
Ability to see all historical updates by organization, person, and/or topic
Updates about right-wing topics (e.g. anti LGBT activism)
Updates about specific right-wing figures
Updates about specific right-wing organizations

Question Title

* 5. How important are the following issues that Right Wing Watch covers to you? (scale 1-5, 1=not important and 5= incredibly important)

  1 (not important) 2 3 4 5 (incredibly important)
Right-wing political candidates
Anti-immigrant extremism
Big money in politics
Religious liberty
The war on women/attacks on reproductive rights
Racism and white nationalism
Attacks on LGBT rights
The Supreme Court and attacks on judicial nominations
Attacks on voting rights
Attacks on free speech

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* 6. What do you like most about RightWingWatch.org?

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* 7. What would you improve about RightWingWatch.org?

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* 8. Prior to taking this survey, were you aware that Right Wing Watch is a project of People For the American Way?

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* 9. What would encourage you to engage more deeply with People For the American Way and Right Wing Watch, either by taking action as part of a campaign, sharing content with your networks, donating etc.?

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* 10. May we contact you for a follow up interview? If so, please provide your email address.