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Commission on Ministry and Recruitment

Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this short clergy (ordained itinerant deacons and elders) survey. We are endeavoring to better understand the needs and experiences of A.M.E. Church clergy in the following areas: indebtedness, health & wellness, and resources. Your feedback is valuable as we continue to consider how the A.M.E. Church can intentionally respond to the needs of those working in the field. Please complete the survey to the best of your ability and answer all questions. Remember, all responses are anonymous.

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* 1. Demographics
What is your age?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. How long have you been in ordained ministry?

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* 4. Are you currently a pastor?

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* 5. What episcopal district do you currently serve in?

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* 6. Clergy Indebtedness

What is the approximate range of your educational (undergrad, graduate/professional school, seminary, etc.) indebtedness?

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* 7. Has any of your debt been offset by A.M.E. entities e.g. episcopal district, annual conference, connectional A.M.E. Church, components, local church?

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* 8. Are you the primary source of income for your family?

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* 9. Are you a bi-vocational pastor?

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* 10. Based on the Classification of Itinerant Elders and Classification for Pastoral Compensation in the 2021 Discipline, is your negotiated salary and benefit package commensurate with the cost of living in your geographic area and the ability of the local church to pay.

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* 11. Clergy Health & Mental Wellness

Are you currently or have you experienced clergy burnout (The point at which a pastor, church leader, or missionary gives up, unable or unwilling to continue in the ministry, often experiencing a sense of hopelessness and challenges to effectiveness)?

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* 12. Are you currently or have you experienced depression (a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest, it can affect how a person feels, thinks, and handles daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working)?

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* 13. Have you been officially/clinically diagnosed as having depression?

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* 14. How do you manage stress? (check all that apply)

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* 15. Do you feel the A.M.E. Church (bishop, presiding elder, colleagues, congregation) supports your health and wellness?

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* 16. Do you feel your work in ministry is fulfilling and meaningful?

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* 17. Clergy Resources for Success

Did your seminary adequately prepare you for your current role in ministry?

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* 18. Did the Board of Examiners process adequately prepare you for your current role in ministry?

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* 19. Do you feel your current ministry setting is the best fit for your gifts?

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* 20. Do you regularly engage in continuing education opportunities i.e. webinars, workshops, conferences?

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* 21. Do you have a mentor in ministry?

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* 22. Do you have colleagues in or outside ministry who serve as trusted accountability or prayer partners to you?

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* 23. What obstacles may be preventing you from completing your Master of Divinity degree or the required equivalent degree?

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