OMB #0970-0401
Expiration Date: 05/31/2021

Child Care and Early Education Research Connections is a digital library that includes citations and, in many cases, links to peer reviewed journal articles, grey literature (such as reports from states, foundations, or research and policy organizations), datasets, and develops topical bibliographies, among other functions.

We are eager to learn about how much you depend or rely on the Research Connections website to access resources related to child care and early education research and policy documents. We are interested in knowing the extent to which the Research Connections website is your first, or only, source of information related to child care and early education resources.

Please respond to the questions below about the resources and areas of the website that have been most valuable to you and what you rely on. We have also included links to areas of the website we are referencing to refresh your memory.

We anticipate it will take around 5 minutes to respond to the questions. Your participation is voluntary and your responses will be kept confidential.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on how you depend or rely on the Research Connections website!