Question Title

* 1. On a scale of 1 to 5 star rating [5 being to extremely satisfied], how satisfied are you with the overall performance and accuracy of R.A.I., the ChatBot in understanding and responding to your queries?

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* 2. Can you recall any specific instances where R.A.I., the ChatBot's responses exceeded your expectations? If so, please describe the situation and what made the response particularly helpful.

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* 3. Have you encountered any limitations or challenges while using R.A.I., the ChatBot? If so, please elaborate on the specific issues you faced and any suggestions you have for improvement.

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* 4. How did you primarily use R.A.I., the ChatBot (e.g., for web site search, to provide guidance, to answer questions to learn, etc...)?

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* 5. How intuitive and user-friendly do you find the R.A.I., the ChatBot interface? Are there any features or improvements you would like to see in the design or navigation?

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* 6. How important is the speed of R.A.I., the ChatBot's responses in your experience? Are there any instances where you felt the response time was too slow or too fast?

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* 7. Have you experienced any concerns regarding privacy and data security while using R.A.I., the ChatBot? If so, please share your concerns and any suggestions for addressing them.

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* 8. How well do you think R.A.I., the ChatBot understands and adapts to your specific needs and preferences? Are there any areas where you would like to see greater personalization or customization options?

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* 9. Are there any additional features, enhancements, or integrations you would like to see in future releases of R.A.I., the ChatBot? Please share your ideas and explain how these additions would improve your experience with the tool.

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* 10. Are there any additional use cases you would like to see R.A.I., the ChatBot support in the future?

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* 11. How likely is it that you would recommend R.A.I., the ChatBot to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

* 12. Leaving your contact details is optional.  We may reach out to you with some brief questions on your feedback if you decide to add your contact details.