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Thank you for participating in the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments (RiverCOG) Regional Housing Survey.  This survey is part of the RiverCOG's Regional Housing Plan.  Before you start the survey please make sure you've had a chance to learn more about this project by visiting the RiverCOG Regional Housing Plan Website

This survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete.  We appreciate your participation.

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* 1. Which town or city do you live in?
Please chose your primary residence if more than one apply.

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* 2. How long have you lived there?

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 4. What is your employment status?

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* 5. Which town or city do you work in?  Chose the location of your primary job if more than one applies.

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* 6. What type of household do you live in?

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* 7. How many people live in your household, including yourself?

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* 8. What type of home do you currently live in?

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* 9. For demographic purposes, it is helpful to have a sense of household income and ownership status of those responding to this survey. Do you rent or own your residence?

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* 10. Please indicate which annual household income range you currently fall under. Note: Household income measures the combined incomes of all people sharing a particular household or place of residence and includes every form of income.

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* 11. What size household do you see yourself living in five years from now?

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* 12. Looking ahead five years from now, what type of housing do you see yourself living in?

0 of 28 answered