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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Who should be prioritised for social housing in K&C?

The council must support certain groups of people including homeless households. Points are gained by people registering with the Council for housing via the criteria in the table below.

Do you think the points awarded currently should be higher or lower or do you think that they are about right? Please tick the appropriate box next to each criteria. For example if you think the points for exceptional criteria are about right please tick the appropriate rating

  Higher Lower  About right
Exceptional priority
Exceptional circumstances where there are no other suitable housing options

Points: 2,000
Emergency health and independence
Where daily life is impossible in the current home due to health problems

Points: 2,000
At serious risk of harm
Residents at severe risk in their own home. The referral for this can only be made by Social Services or the police.

Points: 1,900
Supporting health and independence
Where the current home is significantly unsuitable due to health problems

Points: 900
Redevelopment of homes
When estate regeneration takes place and it’s not possible to remain in the home through the redevelopment.

Points: 900
Vacating homes
Households who, by moving, will make available a property suitable for a disabled person and households moving to a smaller property.

Points: 700
Supporting adoption and fostering
Approved foster parents and adopting parents who need different housing to adopt or foster K&C children.

Points: 700
Families lacking two or more bedrooms in their current home.

Points: 200
Contractual duties
Council employees in tied accommodation who are retiring.

Points: 200
Move-on priority
Residents in supported housing or care who are assessed as needing social housing as their next step.

Points: 100
Homeless duty
Homeless households the Council has a `full and main’ legal duty to rehouse (usually living in temporary accommodation).

Points: 100
Residents who are homeless but the Council does not have a `full and main’ legal duty to rehouse.

Points: 10
Locality hardship
Points awarded to people who need to move to another area of the borough. Only awarded in exceptional circumstances.

Points: 10
Additional Priority 1 - Armed Forces
For people serving in the regular forces or have done so in the five years preceding their application or bereaved spouses or civil partners or seriously injured, ill or disabled reservists.

Points: 50

Note - Residents must qualify on at least one of the criteria above armed forces to qualify for this as an addition
Additional Priority 2 - Paid work
For people who are in other priority categories (e.g. homeless) and where a member of their household is in work and has been in work for at least 6 months continuously for 16+ hours a week.

Points: 50

Note - Residents must qualify on at least one of the criteria above armed forces to qualify for this as an addition

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* 3. Should new criteria be added to the system?

Are there new criteria which should be added to the list above? For example there are no additional points given for extremes of overcrowding.

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* 4.  Should K&C keep the points-based system or move to a more simple banding system?

Many local authorities use a banding system which are more simple to initially understand but can hide inequalities or inconsistencies. Also, many banding systems have `sub-bands’ to take account of differing levels of need and the length of waiting. At present K&C use a points-based system which is more complicated but less open to interpretation.

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* 5. Should we have special rehousing pathways for certain groups that have faced extra difficulties?

e.g. Care leavers, or those suffering domestic abuse, learning difficulties, ex-armed forces, street homeless/chronic homeless, etc

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* 6. How do you think homeless prevention should be better supported through the Scheme?

As the council can’t build sufficient social housing or reduce local rental prices in the borough what other options do you think are open?

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* 7. How can overcrowded families be supported through the Scheme?

E.g. Age thresholds for sharing bedrooms, bar on 21+, more severely overcrowded, key workers, local connection?

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* 8. Should K&C operate a closed register?

Many London authorities operate a `closed register’ which means that residents must have lived in the borough for a minimum number of years before being able to apply to the Housing Register. In K&C, this is three years.

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* 9. Should eligibility criteria be changed or added to?

Currently, people who do not fulfill eligibility criteria, including residency, links to the local area, high income and savings, citizenship, and having no points on assessment block people from being placed on the housing register. Should other barring criteria be added? (Closed housing registers can under-estimate housing needs but an open register can result in residents with no prospect of rehousing joining the register.)

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* 10. Should disqualification criteria be changed or added to?

Currently, people who have supplied false or misleading information on their application for housing will be disqualified as will people who:
  • paid money to obtain a tenancy
  • have been convicted of or had legal action taken against them for violence, racial harassment, threatening behaviour, any other antisocial behaviour, any physical or verbal abuse towards staff
  • have deliberately made themselves overcrowded if they have no other priority for rehousing
  • have deliberately moved into a property unsuitable for their disability or long-term health condition
  • have deliberately disposed of financial assets and resources

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* 11. What should be the balance between choice-based lettings and direct offers?

Government guidance still promotes resident choice and choosing a new home is more likely to result in a successful tenancy but the process doesn’t always result in properties being let to those in the highest priority and can result in residents waiting longer to be rehoused (while they wait for an 'ideal’ property).

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* 12. Housing Options.

Currently, K&C has a few alternative housing options such as the Seaside and Country Homes Scheme, HomeStart Scheme, Mobility Transfer Scheme 
(see for details) 

Are there better ways to promote these options?

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* 13. Intermediate Housing

Some Councils have introduced a separate waiting list for residents that could access intermediate housing routes (homes for purchase and rent provided costing more than Social Rented Housing but less than local market levels such as shared ownership). Should K&C introduce a separate list?

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* 14. Do you have any further comments or observations on what K&C should do?

The Housing Strategy talks about a targeted acquisitions programme to purchase larger (3-4 bed) properties for social rent and for use as temporary accommodation – are there other avenues to be pursued.

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