Score: 60%
12/20 points

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* 1. Why was August 15, 1947 chosen for the transfer of power by Viceroy Mountbatten?

1/1 point

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* 2. Which tribal freedom fighter started the Ulgulan movement?

0/1 point

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* 3. From August 15, 1947 to January 26, 1950, what was independent India known as?

1/1 point

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* 4. Who was the first female cabinet minister of independent India?

1/1 point

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* 5. Who formed the Indian National Army in Singapore? 

0/1 point

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* 6. When was the preamble of the Indian Constitution adopted by the Constituent Assembly?

1/1 point

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* 7. Which law ended the British rule in India?

1/1 point

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* 8. How many princely states existed in India before Independence?

1/1 point

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* 9. Which princely state had a paramilitary force called ‘the Razakars’?

0/1 point

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* 10. Which movement led to the linguistic reorganisation of Madras Province? 

0/1 point

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* 11. Which of the following states conducted the first election based on universal adult franchise?

0/1 point

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* 12. What is the official duration of our National Anthem? 

0/1 point

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* 13. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was sent to which jail for Champaran Satyagraha?

0/1 point

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* 14. The national flag was hoisted for the first time in which city?

1/1 point

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* 15. Who is popularly known as the 'Frontier Gandhi'?

1/1 point

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* 16. Who was the last Governor-General of India?

0/1 point

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* 17. Who gave the slogan “Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it"?

1/1 point

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* 18. The first general elections were held in which year?

1/1 point

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* 19. Who was ‘Lal’ in ‘Lal, Bal, Pal’? 

1/1 point

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* 20. Who started a Satyagraha for drinking water? 

1/1 point