Question Title

* 1. Approximately, how much oxygen does the O2-MAX pull from the tank?

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* 2. Can I and should I use EtCO2 with the O2-MAX?

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* 3. True or False: you can add a nasal cannula to the O2-MAX to increase the FiO2 to around 45%.

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* 4. Can a BVM connect to the BiTrac ED mask?

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* 5. Approximately, how much ambient air is entrained through the generator?

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* 6. What is the flow to the patient?

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* 7. The FiO2 of ambient air is what?

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* 8. What is the FiO2 of the O2 MAX?

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* 9. What sets our PEEP apart from any other disposable on the market?

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* 10. What is the tank depletion time on a full D tank, non-nebulizing?

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* 11. How long is the corrugated tubing, fully expanded?

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* 12. When connecting the O2-MAX, what is one method for avoiding cross threading?

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* 13. Choose the PEEP Valve configurations that are available for the O2-MAX

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* 14. True or False: the O2-MAX allows for CPAP and nebulization with a single oxygen source?

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* 15. What are the two most common Quik-Connects in the U.S?

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* 16. Can the O2-MAX Trio run at higher oxygen levels? If so, what levels?

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* 17. How is Capnography applied during CPAP?

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* 18. How often does the O2-MAX need to be calibrated?

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* 19. What are the two ports on the mask for?

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* 20. What is the shelf life?

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* 21. When inserting the neb canister into the neb port, what should you do to lock it into place?

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* 22. True or False: The white disc (soon to be orange) in the 3-set PEEP of the O2-MAX, can be utilized to gauge the effectiveness of the mask seal.

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* 23. The pressure from the High Pressure Port is:

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* 24. What should you do if the mask/cushion seal is leaking?

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* 25. True or False: The GO-PAP uses the same BiTrac ED mask that O2-MAX uses.