Residents Without a Vote is surveying public interest in the annexation of four communities:
Lakeside (East & West), Pinetop Country Club, Porter Creek Estates & White Mountain Summer Homes

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* 1. Do you believe you currently live within the Pinetop-Lakeside town limits?

The following map outlines the current Pinetop-Lakeside boundaries (green) and the proposed annexation areas.

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* 2. Please indicate by number which area you currently live in.

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* 3. If the Town of Pinetop-Lakeside were to annex the sections marked 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, please rank your concerns in the following areas.

  Not Concerned Somewhat Concerned Very Concerned
Access to fire services.
Access to police services.
Property Taxes.
Zoning and building code regulation.
Taxes for sales and services.
Road maintenance / Snow removal.
General Town Services
Opportunity to vote on Pinetop-Lakeside issues.

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* 4. Do you have any other comments or concerns about annexation that you would like to share? (1000 character limit)

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* 5. Would you support the annexation of your area if you do not currently live within town limits?

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* 6. Would you be interested in helping with annexation signature collection for your area?

If yes, please provide your name, phone number, and email.

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* 7. Name

Question Title

* 8. Phone

A little about Residents Without a Vote

Sara Chudnoff is a licensed Hydrogeologist and professional Geologist. She, her husband, two children, and dog relocated to Pinetop-Lakeside in 2021 when her husband accepted a position with the Apache-Sitgreaves Forest. Since moving here, Sara has been involved in outreach and education at the Blue Ridge school district to educate about groundwater quality and quantity in the area. In 2022, she applied for and was awarded an $80,000 non-point source pollution grant on behalf of the town, where the results of this study can be found on the PTLS website. As a resident of Pinetop Lakes HOA, she is interested in annexation because she believes she is already part of the community, and desires to have a vote on local matters. Successful annexation empowers all residents, improves town revenue, and results in a stronger community.

Ryan Whitney, his wife, two daughters, and dogs moved permanently to Pinetop-Lakeside in January 2023. As a lifelong Arizonan, he has enjoyed this community since childhood and now owns and operates a small business serving the White Mountains. Ryan has an extensive background spanning two decades in the finance and defense industries. His experience encompasses organizational leadership, project management, capital planning, cost estimating, and strategic business development. Ryan has served on several boards and has always had a keen interest in community involvement. He believes every problem has a solution and that addressing the many needs of the Pinetop-Lakeside community begins with annexation. Every resident has the right to participate in local governance, have their voice heard, and their vote count.

Together they formed a community group to spearhead a citizen-led annexation effort. If you would like to get involved, please provide your contact information above.