Continue to prioritize referral of individual clients to volunteer attorneys for extended representation because many clients need a lawyer to win their cases.
Continue to prioritize referral of individual clients to volunteer attorneys for extended representation because many clients need a lawyer to win their cases. This goal should be among the highest priority goals.
Continue to prioritize referral of individual clients to volunteer attorneys for extended representation because many clients need a lawyer to win their cases. This is a very important goal.
Continue to prioritize referral of individual clients to volunteer attorneys for extended representation because many clients need a lawyer to win their cases. This is an important goal but it should not be among the highest priorities.
Continue to prioritize referral of individual clients to volunteer attorneys for extended representation because many clients need a lawyer to win their cases. This is not an important goal.
Continue to prioritize referral of individual clients to volunteer attorneys for extended representation because many clients need a lawyer to win their cases. I would recommend removing this goal from the plan.
Increase referrals to volunteers in the areas of housing, family law, bankruptcy, wills/powers of attorney and expungement/ sealing.
Increase referrals to volunteers in the areas of housing, family law, bankruptcy, wills/powers of attorney and expungement/ sealing. This goal should be among the highest priority goals.
Increase referrals to volunteers in the areas of housing, family law, bankruptcy, wills/powers of attorney and expungement/ sealing. This is a very important goal.
Increase referrals to volunteers in the areas of housing, family law, bankruptcy, wills/powers of attorney and expungement/ sealing. This is an important goal but it should not be among the highest priorities.
Increase referrals to volunteers in the areas of housing, family law, bankruptcy, wills/powers of attorney and expungement/ sealing. This is not an important goal.
Increase referrals to volunteers in the areas of housing, family law, bankruptcy, wills/powers of attorney and expungement/ sealing. I would recommend removing this goal from the plan.
Incorporate volunteers into our response to the most critical COVID-related issues, such as evictions, utility shut-offs, and debt issues.
Incorporate volunteers into our response to the most critical COVID-related issues, such as evictions, utility shut-offs, and debt issues. This goal should be among the highest priority goals.
Incorporate volunteers into our response to the most critical COVID-related issues, such as evictions, utility shut-offs, and debt issues. This is a very important goal.
Incorporate volunteers into our response to the most critical COVID-related issues, such as evictions, utility shut-offs, and debt issues. This is an important goal but it should not be among the highest priorities.
Incorporate volunteers into our response to the most critical COVID-related issues, such as evictions, utility shut-offs, and debt issues. This is not an important goal.
Incorporate volunteers into our response to the most critical COVID-related issues, such as evictions, utility shut-offs, and debt issues. I would recommend removing this goal from the plan.
Recruit more retired and inactive attorneys to volunteer in our offices.
Recruit more retired and inactive attorneys to volunteer in our offices. This goal should be among the highest priority goals.
Recruit more retired and inactive attorneys to volunteer in our offices. This is a very important goal.
Recruit more retired and inactive attorneys to volunteer in our offices. This is an important goal but it should not be among the highest priorities.
Recruit more retired and inactive attorneys to volunteer in our offices. This is not an important goal.
Recruit more retired and inactive attorneys to volunteer in our offices. I would recommend removing this goal from the plan.
Expand the use of limited scope pro bono representation to reach and assist more clients in court matters.
Expand the use of limited scope pro bono representation to reach and assist more clients in court matters. This goal should be among the highest priority goals.
Expand the use of limited scope pro bono representation to reach and assist more clients in court matters. This is a very important goal.
Expand the use of limited scope pro bono representation to reach and assist more clients in court matters. This is an important goal but it should not be among the highest priorities.
Expand the use of limited scope pro bono representation to reach and assist more clients in court matters. This is not an important goal.
Expand the use of limited scope pro bono representation to reach and assist more clients in court matters. I would recommend removing this goal from the plan.
Develop and offer cost effective “bite-sized” pro bono opportunities which meet volunteer interests and client needs, and which also are cost effective.
Develop and offer cost effective “bite-sized” pro bono opportunities which meet volunteer interests and client needs, and which also are cost effective. This goal should be among the highest priority goals.
Develop and offer cost effective “bite-sized” pro bono opportunities which meet volunteer interests and client needs, and which also are cost effective. This is a very important goal.
Develop and offer cost effective “bite-sized” pro bono opportunities which meet volunteer interests and client needs, and which also are cost effective. This is an important goal but it should not be among the highest priorities.
Develop and offer cost effective “bite-sized” pro bono opportunities which meet volunteer interests and client needs, and which also are cost effective. This is not an important goal.
Develop and offer cost effective “bite-sized” pro bono opportunities which meet volunteer interests and client needs, and which also are cost effective. I would recommend removing this goal from the plan.
Use technology to train and support volunteers.
Use technology to train and support volunteers. This goal should be among the highest priority goals.
Use technology to train and support volunteers. This is a very important goal.
Use technology to train and support volunteers. This is an important goal but it should not be among the highest priorities.
Use technology to train and support volunteers. This is not an important goal.
Use technology to train and support volunteers. I would recommend removing this goal from the plan.
Recruit bilingual volunteer attorneys to represent limited English-proficient clients, and train English-speaking volunteer attorneys to use Prairie State’s interpreting and translation resources.
Recruit bilingual volunteer attorneys to represent limited English-proficient clients, and train English-speaking volunteer attorneys to use Prairie State’s interpreting and translation resources. This goal should be among the highest priority goals.
Recruit bilingual volunteer attorneys to represent limited English-proficient clients, and train English-speaking volunteer attorneys to use Prairie State’s interpreting and translation resources. This is a very important goal.
Recruit bilingual volunteer attorneys to represent limited English-proficient clients, and train English-speaking volunteer attorneys to use Prairie State’s interpreting and translation resources. This is an important goal but it should not be among the highest priorities.
Recruit bilingual volunteer attorneys to represent limited English-proficient clients, and train English-speaking volunteer attorneys to use Prairie State’s interpreting and translation resources. This is not an important goal.
Recruit bilingual volunteer attorneys to represent limited English-proficient clients, and train English-speaking volunteer attorneys to use Prairie State’s interpreting and translation resources. I would recommend removing this goal from the plan.
Involve more non-attorney volunteers such as law students, CPAs and people who can assist in analyzing medical aspects of disability cases.
Involve more non-attorney volunteers such as law students, CPAs and people who can assist in analyzing medical aspects of disability cases. This goal should be among the highest priority goals.
Involve more non-attorney volunteers such as law students, CPAs and people who can assist in analyzing medical aspects of disability cases. This is a very important goal.
Involve more non-attorney volunteers such as law students, CPAs and people who can assist in analyzing medical aspects of disability cases. This is an important goal but it should not be among the highest priorities.
Involve more non-attorney volunteers such as law students, CPAs and people who can assist in analyzing medical aspects of disability cases. This is not an important goal.
Involve more non-attorney volunteers such as law students, CPAs and people who can assist in analyzing medical aspects of disability cases. I would recommend removing this goal from the plan.
Develop and expand pro bono opportunities in the collar counties, and capitalize on untapped pro bono potential in the collar counties..
Develop and expand pro bono opportunities in the collar counties, and capitalize on untapped pro bono potential in the collar counties.. This goal should be among the highest priority goals.
Develop and expand pro bono opportunities in the collar counties, and capitalize on untapped pro bono potential in the collar counties.. This is a very important goal.
Develop and expand pro bono opportunities in the collar counties, and capitalize on untapped pro bono potential in the collar counties.. This is an important goal but it should not be among the highest priorities.
Develop and expand pro bono opportunities in the collar counties, and capitalize on untapped pro bono potential in the collar counties.. This is not an important goal.
Develop and expand pro bono opportunities in the collar counties, and capitalize on untapped pro bono potential in the collar counties.. I would recommend removing this goal from the plan.
Increase coordination among Prairie State offices to expand opportunities that cross geographical boundaries; this can allow us to reach clients in rural areas where there are few potential volunteer attorneys.
Increase coordination among Prairie State offices to expand opportunities that cross geographical boundaries; this can allow us to reach clients in rural areas where there are few potential volunteer attorneys. This goal should be among the highest priority goals.
Increase coordination among Prairie State offices to expand opportunities that cross geographical boundaries; this can allow us to reach clients in rural areas where there are few potential volunteer attorneys. This is a very important goal.
Increase coordination among Prairie State offices to expand opportunities that cross geographical boundaries; this can allow us to reach clients in rural areas where there are few potential volunteer attorneys. This is an important goal but it should not be among the highest priorities.
Increase coordination among Prairie State offices to expand opportunities that cross geographical boundaries; this can allow us to reach clients in rural areas where there are few potential volunteer attorneys. This is not an important goal.
Increase coordination among Prairie State offices to expand opportunities that cross geographical boundaries; this can allow us to reach clients in rural areas where there are few potential volunteer attorneys. I would recommend removing this goal from the plan.