Informed Consent Form

You are being asked to participate in a DNP student project. This form provides you with information about the project. The project will be described, and all of your questions will be answered before you sign this consent. Please read the information below and ask questions about anything you do not understand before deciding whether or not to take part in this project.

Why is this project being done?

The purpose of this project is to is the impact on nursing leaders' emotional intelligence scores before and after a targeted emotional intelligence education.

You are being asked to participate in this project because you are a nursing leader and a member of the AONL organization. Approximately 34 nurses will be required for this study.

What happens if I participate in this project?

If you agree to take part in in this project, you will be asked to complete two surveys via survey monkey and participate in an educational presentation via a voiced over PowerPointpresentation.

Your participating will last not more than one hour and can be completed at home on any computer or ipad. The surveys will be completed before and after the presentation and include 33 questions each. The answer you provide are based on a scale of one to four.

Describe any foreseeable risks or discomforts to the subject (if there are risks, identify resources available to the participants).

Discomforts you may experience while taking part in this project include spending up to 20minutes at a computer to view the presentation and completing the two surveys (pre and post educational intervention).

What are the possible benefits of the project?

This project/study is designed to learn more about the significance of emotional intelligence on nursing leadership strategies and leadership style.

Is my participation voluntary?

Taking part in this project is voluntary. You have the right to choose not to take part in this project. If you choose to take part, you have the right to stop at any time. If you refuse or decide to withdraw later, you will not lose any benefits or rights to which you are entitled.

If after receiving the survey/questionnaire, you decide to not take part in this project, do not return the survey/questionnaire(s). If I have not received your completed survey(s)/questionnaire(s) within 2weeks, I will assume that you decided not to take part in this project and any information received from you will be destroyed).
Whom do I call if I have questions?

The principal investigator (student) carrying out this project is JoAnn Marzouk, RN. You may ask any questions you have by contacting me at You may also text your questions to my cell phone: 516-788-3346.

You may have questions about your rights as a participant in this study. You can contact my DNP Project Chair, Dr. Yolanda, by sending a message to her email address. You may also contact the American Sentinel University IRB Director by email at

Who will see my information?

I will do everything I can to keep your information private (confidential). Any documents that identify you, the consent form signed by you, and any information you provide may be looked at by the following:
  • The DNP student's Project Chair and Committee members
  • American Sentinel University Institutional Review Board (IRB)
  • Regulatory officials from the institution where the project is being conducted who want to make sure the research is safe
The results from this project may be shared at a meeting with the DNP student's Project Committee, at a professional conference, and may also be in published articles. Your name will be kept private when information about this project is presented in any form.

Agreement to be in this study/project

I have read this paper about the project or it was read to me.I understand the possible risks and benefits of this study. I know that taking part in this project is voluntary. I choose to take part in this study/ and I will get a copy of this consent form.

I understand that I must create a UNIQUE IDENTIFIER in order to participate in this study. The unique identifier will include my mother’s maiden name followed by four numerals. I will keep this unique identifier in a safe location throughout participation in the project.

Question Title

* 1. Please type in the full unique identifier in the space provided
(Unique Identifier = first and last Intial of mother’s maiden name plus 4 numerals)
REMINDER: this will be your Log-in ID moving forward

Question Title

* 2. By signing this consent form and clicking the link below, I confirm that I have read this form and have decided that I will participate in the project described above.