Part I - General Information

Dear Homeowner:

Becht Engineering BT has been retained by the Board of Directors of your Association to perform an inspection and prepare a deficiency report of the common elements of your community. Please note that our interior inspection will be conducted as a limited random sampling. Not all owners who return the questionnaire will have their units inspected.

The common elements of the community are those items that are owned collectively by the Owners Association and not by the individual unit owners. Our inspection service will include the visually accessible structural elements of the buildings, roofs, siding, certain portions of the electrical systems, roads, driveways, sidewalks, common areas and green spaces.

Since you, as unit owners, are most familiar with the conditions of the complex, your cooperation in returning this questionnaire is greatly appreciated. If you are an owner, but do not occupy the dwelling unit in question, please forward this questionnaire to your tenant. Please feel free to add any other possible common element deficiencies you may be aware of in the comment section. Deficiencies reported will be used to help direct our investigation and document general conditions.

Question Title

* 1. Homeowner Information

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* 2. Are you willing to have the interior of your unit inspected?

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* 3. Would it be possible to inspect between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM?

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* 4. When is the most convenient time for an inspection of your home?

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* 5. Do you have access to attic space?