Input from teachers at this time is of prime importance. Please review the email messages sent by Superintendent Baranski on July 8 and STA President Melanie Hirahara on July 9.

STA wants hard data to guide negotiations and share with the District. Therefore, we are not including comment boxes or choices for "other." If you have questions, contact a member of the negotiations team BEFORE completing your survey.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your feelings about returning to campuses in the fall?

Question Title

* 2. Do you support the District's plan to return to campuses as detailed in Dr. Baranski's email on July 8?
NOTE: STA did not create the plan, but we have been part of the logistics meetings along with other stakeholders.

Question Title

* 3. Rank your concerns about returning to classrooms (1=highest concern)

Question Title

* 4. If given a choice, what will you do in the fall?

Question Title

* 5. Do you have underlying conditions (or take care of someone who does) that would make it inadvisable to return to school even with a safety plan in place?

Question Title

* 6. If "yes" to number 5 above, do you have or could you get a doctor’s note? If you answered "no," skip to question 7.

Question Title

* 7. In junior high and middle school, the current plan is to have classes of 25, with teachers moving from room to room instead of students. Do you have any other ideas to keep cohorts together while minimizing the spread of germs with shared rooms?

Question Title

* 8. Junior high and middle school teachers only:
Considering the plan to reopen with safety guidelines in place, would you be interested in any of the following?

Question Title

* 9. Do you foresee using Project Safe for child care?

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* 10. What is your site?
(multiple answers permitted)

Question Title

* 11. Which of the following best describes your current assignment?