The input to this survey is intended to help inform some of the outstanding issues in relation to the development of a Post-Implementation Policy Review Framework. Prior to completing the survey, please review the following document: Post-Implementation Consensus Policy Review Framework [DRAFT] 

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* 1. Your name

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* 2. When should a review process be initiated if not explicitly mandated in a PDP WG's Recommendations? For example, should there be a standard cycle for review of policies or should it be request based only?

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* 3. Who should be able to request or trigger a review (Board, org, other SO/AC, public?)

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* 4. If you responded to the previous question that it should be request or incident driven, what factors should trigger review?

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* 5. Who should be accountable for completion of the review? E.g. GNSO Council, Org?

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* 6. In addition to the below, what information should be included in the Post-Implementation Status Report?
(1) a summary of the original policy recommendations and the stated goals and/or intent of the policy recommendations,
(2) details regarding the subsequent implementation of the policy recommendations,
(3) relevant data points ICANN org has collected that may help inform the subsequent review of the impact of the policy recommendations,
(4) potential issues or gaps ICANN org and/or the community has identified via specific complaints, and
(5) potential options for next steps for Council consideration.

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* 7. What are some options for enabling transparency and participation in the review process? What type of stakeholder representation should be encouraged or required? How can a robust review process be supported without exacerbating bandwidth challenges in the GNSO community?

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* 8. What should be the expected outcomes of the Post-Implementation Status Report prepared by staff? Should it include proposed recommendations or only information for the GNSO to consider? What obligation, if any, does the GNSO have to act on the Post-Implementation Status Report?

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* 9. How can the review process support balanced and independent assessments of a policy?

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* 10. Is there any other input that you would like to provide in relation to the Post-Implementation Status Report?