Thank you for attending the 2016 State of the Science Congress! 
We regret that there was an error in the disclosure of possible contact hours that could be earned.  The maximum is 19.5, not 21.0.
Instructions: Please respond to the questions/statements below by selecting Yes, Partially, or No.
Stated Learning Outcomes

1.       Participants will self-report their intent to apply their knowledge of the determinants of health in the critique, design, and conduct of research related to the health status of individuals, populations, and health systems.

2.       Participants will self-report using the findings of the emerging science related to the determinants of health in discussing influencing and applying health policy decisions.

Question Title

* 1) Did the overall conference contribute to your personal learning outcome?

Question Title

* 2) Did the knowledge gained at this conference enhance your ability and confidence to conduct research and/or influence health policy decisions?