Post-workshop survey

In order to understand the impact of this training, we are collecting information about attitudes and skills related to the content before and after the training. Your responses will be recorded anonymously.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter a unique identifier as follows: Number of siblings (numeric) + First two letters of the city you were born in (lowercase) + First three letters of your current street (lowercase). Example: If I have 0 siblings, was born in Arlington, and live on Creekwater Street, my unique identifier would be 0arcre. This identifier is confidential to you and will help us compare your answers in the post-survey.

Question Title

* 2. When are you taking this survey?

Question Title

* 3. Please give us some feedback about the overall training event.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
The amount of information covered was reasonable for the allotted time.
The overall atmosphere was welcoming.
I learned skills that I will be able to use in my work.
The material presented matched the description of the training event.
I would recommend this training to a friend or colleague.
The training was worth my time.

Question Title

* 4. How did you perceive the pace of the training?

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* 5. How was the balance of lecture to hands-on work?

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* 6. Please select how you felt the instructor(s) performed.

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often All of the time
Instructor(s) gave clear answers to your questions
Instructor(s) wer considerate
Instructor(s) were good communicators
Instructor(s) were enthusiastic

Question Title

* 7. Tell us about your experience with the following topics before the training.

  Little or no knowledge of topic Some knowledge of topic Extensive knowledge of topic N/A
Installing specific Python libraries
Import image files
Select a part of an image with Python
Convert a color image to grayscale in Python
Apply a filter to an image in Python
Count the number of objects in an image automatically

Question Title

* 8. Tell us about changes in your knowledge of the following topics after the training

  No increase in my knowledge Knowledge increased slightly Knowledge increased a great deal N/A
Installing specific Python libraries
Importing image files
Selecting part of an image with Python
Converting a color image to grayscale in Python
Apply a filter to an image in Python
Count the number of objects in an image automatically

Question Title

* 9. What is your level of confidence in doing the following tasks after the workshop?

  Much worse Somewhat worse Unimproved - neither worse nor better Better Much better N/A
Installing specific Python libraries
Importing image files
Selecting part of an image with Python
Converting a color image to grayscale in Python
Applying a filter to an image in Python
Counting the number of objects in an image automatically

Question Title

* 10. How motivated are you to learn more advanced image analysis?