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This form should be used to report the Poll Pad, Scanner and BMD counts throughout the election day. The Republican Party asks that you obtain these counts every hour throughout the day. To obtain these
numbers, simply ask the Poll Manager to give you the hourly count throughout the day.

Printer errors and voter rejections may cause the BMD count to be higher that numbers reported by the poll pads or scanners. For any questions you have about the election process that you are observing, call the Elections Superintendent at 404-298-4020.

If you believe that the voting behavior you are observing is not compliant with election laws, please report your experience here:

Question Title

* 1. What is the date and time you are reporting?


Question Title

* 3. Please report the counts below:

Question Title

* 4. Please Share your Contact Information so we may reach you if we have a question:

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