Hi, Folks!

Welcome to a mini version of a people of color (PoC) perspectives survey! Many thanks to folks who contributed to the first two surveys. If you're new to the PoC perspective surveys, welcome and thank you for your participation! The first two surveys have been so valuable!

The idea behind the surveys is to create a bank of perspectives from people of color to use in workshops. I have been committed to thinking about how I design my trainings to be more effective. And, I want to be able to share a variety of PoC perspectives, without asking people to come speak on a panel or "represent." I know this isn't the perfect design (I'm open to your ideas about a perfect design!), but I think this is better than my current design of having a few PoC voices via videos.

This survey only has 3 required questions, with a few more optional demographic questions. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions - heidi@equitymattersnw.com. Also, if you leave me your name and contact information, I will draw one door prize winner every time I use the information! The door prize options are a $50 gift certificate to a local bookstore or a $50 donation to your favorite 'PoC-Led/Community of Color Embedded' organization.

Please note that the goal of this survey is to enable people of color to share our truth in a way that is uncensored, raw, and from the gut.  I'm not looking for your academic answer, I'm looking for what you would share with a friend over your second beer at Happy Hour. I reserve the right to bleep out swear words (so it might show up as sh*t) but feel free to use whatever language feels comfortable to you.

With gratitude,
