Plumbing Technician

Help us determine how to best list a job description for a Plumbing Technician who will be working in the offsite construction industry.

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* 1. What DEPARTMENT would a PLUMBING TECHNICIAN fall under in your company? Check all that might apply.

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* 2. PLUMBING TECHNICIAN Tasks: Assemble plumbing and drain lines per print; install plumbing hardware.

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* 3. Please check all REQUIRED SKILLS you would include in a job description for a PLUMBING TECHNICIAN.

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* 4. Please check all PREFERRED SKILLS/EXPERIENCE you would include in a job description for a PLUMBING TECHNICIAN.

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* 5. Please check all PREFERRED CERTIFICATIONS you would include in a job description for a PLUMBING TECHNICIAN.

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* 6. Would your company put an entry level person on a training track within your company to become a PLUMBING TECHNICIAN?

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* 7. Please provide contact info if you'd like to test the Job Matching tool. (optional - only need to fill this out once if you've completed multiple feedback forms)