Thank you for your interest in the Physician Editor position for The Rheumatologist. Before you apply, please read the 
Editor ResponsibilitiesConflict of Interest Guidelines, and review this application to see the required attachments.

Shortly after submitting your application, you will receive an email confirmation from the ACR.  If any information is missing or unclear, we will notify you immediately.  The overall review process is expected to take several months but we will keep you informed and will contact you if selected for an interview.

Question Title

* 1. First and last name

Question Title

* 2. Degree(s)

Question Title

* 3. Title

Question Title

* 4. Name of practice/institution

Question Title

* 5. Street address

Question Title

* 6. City

Question Title

* 7. State

Question Title

* 8. Zipcode

Question Title

* 9. Email

Question Title

* 10. Phone

Question Title

* 11. Years in practice

Question Title

* 12. Why are you interested in serving as editor?

Question Title

* 13. Describe your prior editorial and reviewing experience, especially including any experience outside of peer-reviewed journals.

Question Title

* 14. Beyond any editorial and reviewing experience, what particular skills/assets would you contribute to TR?

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* 15. Describe your comfort/familiarity with digital communications (websites, e-newsletters, social media, etc.) and how you would incorporate an electronic strategy into the overall editorial strategy for the publication.

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* 16. Based on your experience, what are the most compelling issues facing the specialty?

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* 17. In your work or life experience, what have you done that you consider truly creative?

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* 18. Describe how you would respond to tight deadlines and quick turnaround requests from the staff editor or others on the publishing team.

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* 19. Please provide a short statement (no more than 500 words) summarizing your philosophy about The Rheumatologist and its editorship, your concept of how TR should evolve in the next three years, any changes you would make, etc.

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Question Title

* 20. Please provide up to three (3) writing samples in a single document.

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Question Title

* 21. Please submit a copy of your CV.

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