Plastic Free Gulf Coast Community Survey

1.Plastic Pollution is a problem along the Gulf Coast
2.I am concerned about plastic pollution in the Gulf Coast
3.Plastic pollution is harmful to marine life (fish, turtles, dolphins, other animals)
4.Plastic pollution can affect the quality and production of seafood
5.Plastic pollution can affect human health
6.Recycling is the best way to reduce plastic trash/waste and plastic pollution
7.I am taking measures to reduce my plastic use and the plastic trash/waste I produce
8.I talk with other people about plastic pollution and actions to take that reduce the use of plastic
9.What do you think is the top source of plastic pollution
Thank you for taking our survey. Once you click “done” your survey results are submitted and you will be directed to page to sign an optional Plastic Free pledge. Please consider pledging to reduce plastic use!