We’re conducting this brief survey of your and your pet’s experiences with the fireworks this year to help us and the veterinary/shelter communities best help people and their pets ahead of the next fireworks-associated festivities (like July 4th, Canada Day, Guy Fawkes Day, New Years Eve or any other fireworks celebration.)

Pets everywhere are terrified of fireworks! Your feedback will make a big difference in the lives of many. Thanks in advance for your help.

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* 1. Which pet is fearful of fireworks? (If you have more than one pet that suffers from noise-phobias, you can fill out more than one survey.)

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* 3. Pick the answer that best describes how long you've had your pet.

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* 4. What's your pet's approximate weight in pounds?

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* 5. What do you feel is the severity of your pet's fireworks phobia?

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* 6. Did your pet require medications for fireworks LAST year?

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* 9. Did you do "desensitization training" with your pet prior to the fireworks, either with a trainer or behaviorist?

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* 10. When did you contact your veterinarian about “firework medications” this year? Choose the one that best describes your situation.

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* 11. Did your vet ask you if you wanted “fireworks meds” during an office visit prior to your local fireworks festivities? Did your veterinarian or someone from their office contact you (phone, email, text, other) in the month leading up to holidays to see if your pets would be needing "fireworks meds"?

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* 12. If your vet did initiate an in-person discussion or contact you about “firework meds” in advance of the fireworks, did you appreciate their proactive effort?

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* 13. If your vet didn’t initiate an in-person discussion or contact you about “fireworks meds” in advance of the holidays, would you appreciate them contacting you next year?

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* 14. How would you prefer your vet to proactively contact you about things like firework medication reminders? Please check all that apply.

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* 16. Fireworks often start being set off before (the 4th or any holiday with fireworks) and continue to be set off well after. When did you start and stop hearing fireworks in your neighborhood this year?

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* 17. Please provide

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* 18. Please share anything that may help other pets by learning from your experiences. Thank you!

Thanks so much for your time and input. Click "Done" to submit your responses.

Please feel free to share this survey with friends and family.