How do you feel about technology? How can the Library support your technology and learning needs better?
Please help us by taking a few moments to complete our survey to help us prioritize our technology and learning initiatives in the coming years.

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* 1. Which of the following BEST describes your skills, knowledge and ability when it comes to technology? 

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* 2. Which of the following statements about technology are true for you (select all that apply)?

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* 3. What technology, equipment, or tools would you like to have access to through the Library?

  Yes please Not Sure No thanks
E-readers to borrow
Laptops to borrow
Self-check machine in the Library (to check out library items yourself)
More computers to use in the Library
Raspberry Pi, Makey Makey, or similar
Library of Things i.e board games, kitchen equipment (please add comments under 'Other')

Question Title

* 4. Please rank the importance of each of the following role(s) the library might play when it comes to technology

  Not at all important Somewhat unimportant Neutral/ No opinion Somewhat important Very important
Helping people learn how to use technology and keep technology skills up to date (eg. computer literacy programs, coding classes)
Keeping the community informed about changing and emerging technology (eg. technology demos and talks)
Providing equipment that is impractical or expensive for people to have at home (eg. digitization equipment, 3D printers)
Using technology to improve library services (ex. personalized reading recommendations, improved ebook access)

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* 5. Are there any other services or resources you would like the Library to offer?

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* 6. What are you interested in, or learning about these days?
What’s on your mind or igniting your passion? (This can be anything, not necessarily technology)

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* 7. How do you prefer to learn?

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* 8. Do you have a computer or internet enabled device in your household? Please check all that apply

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* 9. Can you connect to the Internet at home?

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* 10. Are you:

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* 11. How old are you?

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* 12. Where do you live?

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100% of survey complete.