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Prosper Portland (formerly known as PDC) and ODOT are soliciting feedback about the proposed project, possible adverse effects on the historic resource and the human and natural environment, and options for resolving identified adverse effects. Using the topics listed below please tell us if you think there are additional adverse effects or other options for resolving any adverse effects.  Feedback received will be considered in the refinement of the proposed project.

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* 1. Land use:

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* 2. Cultural Resources:

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* 3. Parks & Recreation Facilities:

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* 4. Community & Business Impacts:

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* 5. Visual & Aesthetics:

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* 6. Transportation:

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* 7. Noise & Vibration:

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* 8. Air Quality:

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* 9. Hazardous Materials & Waste:

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* 10. Property Acquisition:

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* 11. Wetlands:

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* 12. Floodplain:

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* 13. Water Quality:

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* 14. Navigable Waterways:

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* 15. Coastal Zones:

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* 16. Farmlands:

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* 17. Critical Habitat & Endangered Species:

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* 18. Public Safety:

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* 19. Do you have any other general comments?