To Shared Use Path User,

This survey is intended to collect information from users of one or several of the following shared use paths in Massachusetts: the Cape Cod Trail, Northern Strand Community Trail, Norrowtuck Rail Trail, or the Minuteman Bikeway.

Our research aims to quantify the impacts of shared use paths. Your input will help guide our research as we search to understand how paths and trails impact surrounding communities, property values, economic development, safety, and more.  

Thank you for participating in our survey. If you have any additional questions or comments, feel free to reach out to Caitlin at

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* 1. Please list your home zip code:

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* 2. Which path are you visiting today?

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* 3. How often do you visit this path?

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* 4. How did you travel to the path today?

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* 5. Which of these activities best describes your use of the path today?

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* 6. If the path didn't exist, would you be participating in this activity elsewhere?

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* 8. What is your primary purpose for using the path?

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* 9. If others are accompanying you, indicate the number of people in the group you're with that fit into the following age groups:

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* 10. Do you think the path has affected crime rates in the area?

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* 11. Has the path influenced your purchase of (Select all that apply):

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* 12. Do you use the path for transportation?

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* 13. If you said “yes” to question 9, how often do you use the path for transportation?

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* 14. We are trying to assess the path's local economic impact. As a result of your trip today, how much money are you and you group spending on:

Optional Background Questions:
Optional Background Questions:

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* 20. Please share any other comments you have below: