City of Jefferson would like your input to help determine the feasibility of constructing new parks and recreational facilities to serve citizen needs. This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Completed surveys will be accepted through May 31, 2017. Look for announcements of public input sessions coming this fall.

We greatly appreciate your time!

Question Title

* 1. Counting yourself, how many people live in your household?

Question Title

* 3. Have you or members of your household visited a City of Jefferson park during the past year? (See Question 5 for parks listing.)

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* 4. How often have you or members of your household visited a City of Jefferson park in the past year? (See Question 5 for parks listing.)

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* 6. Rate the physical condition of City of Jefferson parks you have visited.

  Excellent Good Fair
general park condition

Question Title

* 7. What City of Jefferson Parks and Recreation facilities, existing and potential, are most important to you and members of your household? Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 8. Which ONE of the following statements best represents how the existing City of Jefferson parks, outdoor recreation, sports, fitness, and aquatic facilities meet your needs?

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* 9. From the following list, please check ALL the park, outdoor recreation, sports, fitness, and aquatic facilities that your and your household members currently use.

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* 10. What prevents your or members of your household from using City of Jefferson parks, facilities, or trails?

Question Title

* 11. City of Jefferson requests your input regarding improvements to outdoor recreational facilities. Please indicate if YOU or any member of your HOUSEHOLD has a need for each of the parks and recreational facilities listed below.

  Yes No Maybe
Climbing wall
Small neighborhood parks
Off Leash dog parks
Natural areas/nature trails
Modern playground equipment
Outdoor basketball/multi-use courts
Additional paved trails
Adult baseball and softball fields
Picnic shelters/areas
Soccer fields
Football fields
Outdoor tennis courts
Additional ice hockey/ice skating
Outdoor swimming pools
Skateboard area
Outdoor theater/concert area
Lake feature with fountain
Batting cages
Golf driving range
Sand volleyball courts
Indoor pool and fitness center

Question Title

* 12. Which of these elements do you think the City of Jefferson needs more of in their parks? Select all that apply.

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* 13. Which recreational trail gaps should be a priority to complete? Select all that apply.

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* 14. What should be City of Jefferson's open space priorities? Select all that apply.

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* 15. Indicate facilities City of Jefferson needs to consider building and/or funding. Select all that apply.

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* 16. There is an opportunity to improve the regional draw of the Jefferson City parks system. Unique amenities could bring in out of town visitor dollars. How willing would you or members of your household be to pay for enhanced attractions like commercial aquatics facilities, large adventure parks, etc.?

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* 17. Additional comments