Community Survey
Current 'Parklab' Interim Uses, and Future Parks at Mission Bay Commons
This survey will ask you questions about Mission Bay's temporary 'interim use' park pilot sites: the food trucks, picnic areas, gardens, mini golf, soccer and athletic fields, etc -- located along Mission Bay Boulevard, between 3rd St and the traffic circle.

While temporary, the current sites continue to serve as a kind of 'park lab' -- experimenting with different types of open space programs, piloting and testing various combinations of actively-managed parks.

The current temporary parks will be re-imagined and redeveloped over the next 3-4 years, as developers eventually replace them with permanent parks.

Once finished, the final park parcels will make up the 'Mission Bay Commons', joining the two previously-completed large lawns east of 3rd St (Parks P16, P17) and the smaller crescent-shaped park parcel to the west (Park P11).

This survey is part of the ongoing community engagement process that will help shape the future parks.

Question Title

A map of parks in the Mission Bay area. The map calls out completed parks, planned parks, and 'interim use' pilot park sites. The map identifies the 3 'Parklab' parcels on Mission Bay Commons as temporary pilots.
8% of survey complete.