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Your parish participated in the Parish Family Sponsorship program with Catholic Charities. Catholic Charities wants your feedback about this program. Please answer the questions honestly. Thank you!

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* 1. Parish name

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* 2. Name and role at the parish/affiliation at the parish (volunteer, staff, etc.)

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* 3. Before participating in the Parish Family Sponsorship program, had your parish collaborated with Catholic Charities in any of the following ways? Check all that apply.

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* 4. Which of these activities did you intend to participate in when signing up for the Parish Family Sponsorship program with Catholic Charities?

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* 5. Which of these activities did your parish actually carry out during your participation?

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* 6. For the following questions, please answer on a scale from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree.

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Participating in the Parish Family Sponsorship program has been a worthwhile endeavor for my parish.
My parish has been able to achieve our goals with the Parish Family Sponsorship program.
My parish spent too much time volunteering with this program.
My parish spent too many resources/money with this program.
This program improved the lives of the migrants/asylum seekers that we accompanied.
Members of the parish are still in contact with families that we sponsored.
It was easy to get the families we accompanied the resources they needed (housing, financial benefits, etc.)
Most of the families that we accompanied are currently in stable housing.

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* 7. For the following questions, please answer on a scale from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree.

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Catholic Charities has been an essential part of the Parish Family Sponsorship program for us.
My parish has received the support that we needed from Catholic Charities throughout our participation in the Parish Family Sponsorship program (technical assistance, training, financial support, staff support, etc.)
We could have done this process without Catholic Charities.
My parish would be interested in continuing with the Parish Family Sponsorship program.
To continue with this program, my parish would need more support from Catholic Charities.

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* 8. If applicable, what additional support could you have used from Catholic Charities throughout this process?

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* 9. Approximately how many volunteers participated in this project at your parish? If the exact number isn't known, make your best guess.

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* 10. Approximately how many total hours each week did volunteers spend working on this project? If the exact number isn't known, make your best guess.

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* 11. Please add any additional comments you have about your participation in the Parish Family Sponsorship program with Catholic Charities.

Thank you for your time!