Briggs School District

The Briggs School District values the input of parents as it prepares to develop its Local Control Accountability Plan and Budget for the 2019-2020 school year.  Please  mark in the appropriate column to indicate that you Agree, Disagree or Don’t know with each of the statements below or a Yes /No where applicable. Ranking order questions require numbering from 1 being highest. An additional written comment for each is highly encouraged.  Please be specific with details for Comments/Concerns so they can be addressed. 

Question Title

* 1. My children are enrolled in the following grades.  Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 2. Please fill in the bubble in the appropriate column to indicate that you Agree, Disagree, or Don't Know with each of the statements below.

  Agree Disagree Don't Know/N/A
Most teachers take the time to discuss grades, academic successes, or areas of improvement with my child and me as needed
Parents are provided resources and training needs to strengthen student learning at home.
The schools my child(ren) attends is clean, safe and in good repair.

Question Title

* 3. The district implements programs that address:

  Agree Disagree Don't Know -  N/A
Alternatives to suspension (Restorative Justice)
Student access to health services ( nurse, vision/hearing, dental screenings)
Closing the achievement gap
Student access to counseling services

Question Title

* 4. The California State Standards are being implemented within the district to raise educational standards for:

  Agree Disagree Don't Know - N/A
The general student population
English learner students
Special education students
Low income students
Foster and homeless students

Question Title

* 5. Please fill in the bubble in the appropriate column to indicate that you
Agree, Disagree, or Don't Know with each of the statements below.

  Agree Disagree Don't Know - N/A
The district supports the implementation of state approved student materials and instruction to prepare students for college and/or a career.
The district values parents/guardians as important partners in their student's education and actively seeks their input.
Parents are invited to help plan, implement, and evaluate instructional materials, strategies, and programs.
The district effectively addresses attendance and absenteeism.
Schools maintain a positive school climate (student sense of safety and school connectedness).

Question Title

* 6. What types of training would you attend if available?  Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 7. Which state priorities should be the focus of school resources?  Please RANK in order. 1 being highest priority.

Question Title

* 8. What is your preferred method of receiving messages from your child's
school?  Please rank them in order.  1 being highest preferred method.