Completing this survey is a requirement to deliver the Farmland Health Check-Up.

The Great Lakes Agricultural Stewardship Initiative (GLASI) provides producers in the Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair watershed and the Lake Huron southeast shores watershed a unique opportunity to work with Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs) to complete a Farmland Health Check-Up. The program is open to all producers in the eligible area.

The exercise includes an inventory of current practices, a ranking exercise to identify areas of concern, and an expert assessment that includes recommendations about Best Management Practices that aim to improve soil and pollinator health.

The Farmland Health Check-Up was developed by OMAFRA specialists, with assistance from OSCIA and CCAs. The exercise is voluntary and is provided to the producer at no cost.

Participating CCAs are reimbursed a flat fee of $500 for each Farmland Health Check-Up completed and submitted to OSCIA. CCAs who do not work independently are encouraged to discuss this program with their employers before completing this survey.

You are encouraged to print a copy of this survey for your records.