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Different insurance providers and different plans within the same insurance provider often have different coverage criteria or certain patient conditions that must be met for durable medical equipment (DME). Prior authorization and documentation requirements or the specific information providers need to document in the medical record to support coverage often vary across payers as well.

Healthcare providers who fail to properly document and provide the necessary information when ordering/providing and billing for DME items are subject to back-and-forth communications from the supplier to collect the additional information or potentially have their claim denied by the payer. Additionally, if the patient does not meet criteria, there can be increased costs for patients and/or additional visits to change ordered therapy, resulting in increased costs for everyone.

Your answers to this survey are important in helping us determine the feasibility of one approach to improving compliance with documentation requirements and reducing the burden associated with ordering DME. Survey results will be compiled and presented only in aggregate fashion, with no attribution to any single person or entity. For more information on this effort, being developed by the Health Level Seven (HL7) Da Vinci Project in collaboration with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), please go to:

Question Title

* 1. Do you use an electronic health record (EHR) system?

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