Learn how your COO and Operations peers are managing Operations talent challenges including recruitment, retention, and Onsite/Remote/Hybrid work environments! Participate in this important study by taking a brief survey (est. 3 minutes) and be the first to receive a complimentary copy of the results of the 2024 State of Operations Talent Study. All responses are anonymous and strictly confidential.

The annual COO State of Operations Talent Study aims to gather insights into talent challenges from recruitment and retention, to managing Hybrid and Remote work environments

By understanding these factors, COOs and their organizations can develop effective strategies to attract and retain operations talent, which is crucial for staying competitive in today's challenging talent environments.

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* 1. What are your organization’s hiring plans for Operations staff in 2024?

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* 2. With the pandemic behind us, what will be your company policy regarding Onsite, Remote or Hybrid work environments?

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* 3. How difficult is it to find and/or recruit Operations talent for your organization?

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* 4. What are is primary strategy for talent recruitment?

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* 5. Which Operations skills are the most challenging to recruit for in your organization? (Please select all that apply)

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* 6. Is Operations staff retention a problem with your organization?

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* 7. What are the most common reasons for Operations employees leaving your organization? (Please select all that apply)

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* 8. Which of the following benefits or perks does your organization currently offer to attract and retain Operations talent? (Please select all that apply)

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* 9. Which of the following benefits or perks will your organization offer in the future to attract and retain Operations talent? (Please select all that apply)

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* 10. Does your organization outsource any Operations functions?

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* 11. Will outsourcing Operations functions change in the future?

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* 12. What is your title or role?

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* 13. Approximately how many employees does your organization have?

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* 14. What Industry is your organization in?

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* 15. Thank you for completing the survey! If you would like a copy of the study report, please provide your email address here.