Welcome to the 2018-2019 NSBE Jr. St. Louis Metro Gateway Chapter!

Our Pre-Collegiate Initiative (PCI/NSBE Jr.) Program designed to help students in 6th through 12th grade explore careers in Engineering, Math, Science, and Technology. 

Local registration is $100.00 plus an additional $5.00 for national dues for the year.   Payment is due on September 15, 2018. Please note that registration closes and final payments are due no later than the October 20, 2018. If payment is not received by the October 20, 2018 meeting, your student may lose their spot in the program. 

Thank you for helping us builds our database by filling out this information online as we strive to find ways to continue to improve our registration process. Your responses to this survey will be viewed only by the program coordinators.

Questions marked with a * are mandatory. Type n/a if the information is not available at the time. Note that incomplete registrations may however be rejected.

If you are registering multiple students, you must fill out a separate survey for each student. 

Before beginning this survey please register at nsbe.org to receive the students membership id number.
Click here for instructions on how to register on nsbe.org: 

Please note that your student(s) registration is NOT complete until all program fees have been paid including any outstanding balances. Payment will be accepted on meeting dates in the form of cash, check or money order only.