Honoring our Emergency Medical Personnel

Submit Nominations by October 14, 2019.

2019 Kaiser Permanente
First Responder Awards

Please nominate a first responder who has gone above and beyond to
  • Save a life or lives in danger
  • Partner with other agencies to ensure safety
  • Educate about injury prevention 
Nominees and award winners will be honored at an event held later this fall.

For questions or more information, contact Stephanie.X.Glaze @kp.org or call (707) 624-2248.

Question Title

* 1. Who are you nominating?

Question Title

* 2. Please tell us in 250 words or less why this person, or team of people, should be recognized. Please be concise and provide specific examples:

Question Title

* 3. Please provide your contact information as the nominator:

Winners will be chosen from each category by a select committee comprised of business leaders and health care professionals. Nominees and winners will be notified prior to the First Responder Appreciation Event.