
The New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault is conducting a survey to assess the prevalence of sexual misconduct in New Jersey politics and government. Results from this survey will be used to inform and develop policies and procedures to better serve survivors and victims of sexual harassment in the political arena. 

Participation in the survey is voluntary and open to anyone working or volunteering in New Jersey politics or government. The survey takes about 7-10 minutes to complete—you may skip any questions or stop at any time. Definitions for terminology used are provided throughout the survey.

Results from the survey may be used in the aggregate in public presentations and for policy development. Please note that while the survey does not have fields to collect identifying information, such as your name or your phone number, any information you enter into the survey should not be considered confidential. To protect your confidentiality, we advise against responding with information that could personally identify you or someone who has committed sexual harassment. If you would like to file an official report of sexual harassment, you can do so through the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the N.J. Division on Civil Rights.

The survey will close at midnight on Sunday, March 15, 2020. For questions or to report technical difficulties, please contact NJCASA at

Question Title

* 1. Clicking on the "agree" button below indicates that:
  • you have read the above information
  • you voluntarily agree to participate
  • you are at least 18 years of age