New Investigator Nomination Form

Please complete the below questions to submit a nomination for the Robert J. Cotter New Investigator Award. The award application must be completed in full to be considered, so please ensure you have all the required documents prior to submitting. 

Nominations and self-nominations are accepted and encouraged. The deadline for submission is November 13, 2020. 

The nominee must be a current US HUPO Member.
Nominee must be within the first five years of their first faculty appointment at the time of nomination submission.
The awardee must be available to present at the annual conference (March 7-10, 2021) to receive the award and present the lecture (virtually or in-person, pending the status of the COVID-19 pandemic).

Instructions and

Please collate all materials, including the required supporting documentation into a single PDF prior to uploading. The PDF should include the following documents: 
1) Short description from the nominator (or nominee if self-nominating) highlighting the applicant's research achievements (two-page maximum).
2) List and describe the Nominee’s role in and most significant findings from their most relevant publications (up to six publications; up to three pages)
3) Two letters of reference supporting the nomination. 
4) Nominee's curriculum vitae. 

The nomination form must be completed in its entirety to be considered. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

The deadline to submit a nomination is Friday, November 13, 2020. Late applications will not be reviewed. Award notifications will be sent to recipients and nominators on December 11, 2020. 

Question Title

* 1. Nominator Information (please put "self" if self-nominating)

Question Title

* 2. Nominee Information

Question Title

* 3. If the nominee's location is outside of the US, please provide details on their involvement with US HUPO. 

Question Title

* 4. Upload your nomination documents & supporting letters:

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File