1. Introduction

The UK government recently commissioned a review into how the government approaches the Net Zero Strategy, intending to understand better the different ways the net zero can be delivered while maximising the economic opportunities of the transition. As ADBA is preparing its response to this ‘call for evidence, we would like to ask our members to provide us with their insights and feedback to be added to our response for the review of the strategy.

This is a great opportunity for all our members to voice their concerns on how the AD industry can be developed further, and to put a spotlight on the major challenges the industry is facing along the Net Zero Strategy pathway. 

The call for evidence can be found here.
All answers are strictly confidential and will be stored, protected and processed in line with GDPR requirements. Only WBA analysts will have access to the identifiable data and such data will be destroyed within two years of completion.
WBA's privacy policy can be found here.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Email Address

Question Title

* 3. Company or Organisation

Question Title

* 4. What is your sector?