The NCSEA Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that NCSEA’s mission and goals are closely aligned with the organization’s brand identity.  We believe it is essential that NCSEA continues to implement a brand that connects with our members, and we are considering certain thoughtful changes while respecting tradition and maintaining our commitment to the core principles of the program we support.

Earlier this year, the Board appointed a taskforce to consider whether the term “enforcement” in NCSEA’s name accurately captures the full scope of the mission and purpose of NCSEA as a professional organization.  The Board was mindful that the enforcement of child support orders is a vital part of the IV-D program and important to millions of families, but questioned whether describing the organization in terms of only “enforcement” left out other key aspects of our organization and the IV-D program.  The Board also considered that many state child support programs have recently removed “enforcement” from their name.

The taskforce would like your input as it begins to consider this important issue. Please complete this brief survey; your insight will help shape NCSEA's future!

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* 1. Do you believe that the word "enforcement" in NCSEA's name accurately reflects the mission and purpose of NCSEA?

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* 2. Do you believe removing the word “enforcement” in NCSEA’s name would make it easier or more difficult to expand the membership of NCSEA?

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* 3. What do you consider to be the most valuable benefit of being an NCSEA member? 

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* 4. What could NCSEA improve upon to better serve its membership?