2018 Investors Group NCCP Coach Developer Award

The Investors Group NCCP Coach Developer Awards recognize outstanding individuals who have gone above and beyond to develop certified and trained NCCP coaches in their communities.

For the purpose of this nomination, “Coach Developer” refers to all of the following terms and abbreviations:

LF = Learning Facilitator, CE = Coach Evaluator, and MCD = Master Coach Developer

There are two types of awards available:

National NCCP Coach Developer Award
From the nominations received, one individual will be selected for the National NCCP Coach Developer Award. The winner of this prestigious award embodies the spirit and characteristics of the “best of the best” Coach Developers throughout Canada. Eligibility requirements include:
  • Minimum 5 years experience as a certified MCD;
  • Minimum of 10 years of overall experience as a certified Coach Developer;
  • Have demonstrated commitment to the NCCP in Canada as a Coach Developer; and
  • Have inspired others to pursue additional NCCP opportunities.
Community NCCP Coach Developer Award
From the nominations received, up to 20 deserving Coach Developers will receive the Community NCCP Coach Developer Award. Eligibility requirements include:
  • Minimum 5 years experience as a certified Coach Developer;
  • Have demonstrated commitment to the NCCP in Canada as a Coach Developer; and
  • Have inspired others to pursue additional NCCP opportunities.

Selection Process

The CAC Awards Committee will review all nominations put forward by the deadline, as well as those put forward the previous year but were not selected for the national award. The selection committee will have until the end of June to review, meet, and select award winners. All nominators will be notified by formal letter sent electronically of the selection committee’s final decision.

Diversity and Inclusion

The Coaching Association of Canada is committed to promoting the values of diversity and inclusion within the Investors Group NCCP Coach Developer Awards in order to recognize the tremendous contribution that all coaches make to the Canadian sport system and to the success of Canadian athletes on and off the field of play. The CAC welcomes nominations that reflect the diverse makeup of Canadian coaches.


Self-nominations and posthumous nominations will not be accepted.

Nomination Package

Please ensure that the nomination package is complete. Incomplete packages will not be considered. A complete package includes:
  • Completed nomination form; and
  • Letters of support from the following:
    • A coach the candidate has impacted in a workshop, or an LF or Coach Evaluator that the candidate trained and/or evaluated;
    • The sport organization that the candidate represents
  • Supporting documentation (not exceeding one page) that demonstrates the candidates community impact, highlighting impact or programs that support the development of New Canadians, Indigenous persons and Senior citizens

Complete nomination packages must be received by June 15, 2018