Survey Instructions

Thank you for facilitating a national conversation, as part of the National Dialogue on Catholic Pastoral Ministry with Youth and Young Adults. The purpose of this survey is for you to summarize the small group conversation you had with either youth, young adults, parents, or ministry leaders. While you may have specific opinions or experiences that inform your understanding of youth and young adult ministry, for the purpose of this survey, please only include things related to the conversation that you facilitated.
  • If you led multiple conversations with different groups, you will need to complete this form for each of the conversation.
  • Question 10 asks you to identify the primary audience of the conversation you are reporting on either: youth, young adults, parents, or ministry leaders. Your response to that question, will direct you to the appropriate set of questions to record what you heard. If you had a mixed group with both youth and young adults, either select the group that made up the majority of the group you led OR complete the survey twice, once selecting youth and responding to those set of questions and once selecting young adult and responding to those questions.
  • For the purpose of this dialogue, youth includes middle school to high school youth, young adults includes those beyond high school.
  • Most questions have been pre-populated with labels that include topics, issues, or categories that you can use to describe aspects of your conversation in broad strokes. You can select all of the topics, issues, or categories that were a part of your conversation. If a label is not listed that was included in your conversation, then you have the option to add one. Please keep these brief and make sure not to duplicate what is already listed.
  • There is space provided for you to provide an example of some aspect of your conversation. Please be as concise in your answer as possible and do not include any names or specific places in your examples or responses.

Question Title

* 1. What diocese are you from?

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* 2. What is your email address? (This will only be used for research purposes.)

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* 3. What region of the United States are you from?

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* 4. Which of these settings or contexts best describes where your conversation took place?

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* 5. How many people were part of the conversation you facilitated? (Please type in a number)

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* 6. Please describe the gender makeup of the group you facilitated.

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* 7. To the best of your knowledge, which ethnicities were present? Please check ALL of the ethnicities that were represented by the people in the group you facilitated.

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* 8. What was the language predominantly spoken during the conversation?

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* 9. How would you describe the level of engagement in faith and church of the group you led the conversation with:

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* 10. The age group, I facilitated a conversation with was:
(Please note: youth includes middle school to high school youth, young adults includes those beyond high school. If you had a mixed group with both youth and young adults, either select the group that made up the majority or complete the survey twice, once selecting youth and responding to those questions and once selecting young adult and responding to those questions.)