Audiences submitted a host of amazing naming suggestions for this 6-year-old male! After cross-checking their suggestions with the criteria provided by the North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium (NARWC)—and making sure there were no whales already with that name—we've whittled the list down to the ones below.
Take a look and vote for your 3 favourites below! And be sure to stay connected with Last of the Right Whales to find out which name wins and to get more news about the film.
And don't forget to take in to consideration 4615 himself and the guidelines from the NARWC:
  • Be based on any physical feature that is regularly visible from a boat (callosity, scars, body or head shape).
  • Cyamid coverage, whale lice living on roughend patches of skin, can change. The outline of the callosity pattern is more useful than topographical features. Scroll down for a look at NARW #4615.
  • Try to avoid belly-based names as this part of the whale is seen less often.
  • Choose a name that promotes a positive image for right whales.
  • No corporate names please.
  • Proper names of famous people are eligible, if the markings bare a resemblance. For example, we have two whales with especially long lip callosities that are named after people who had distinctive moustaches.

Question Title

* 1. Pick up to 3 potential names from the list below: