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Thank you for your time to complete this short survey. It will take approximately 5-10mins. You are not required to disclose your identity and your responses will remain anonymous.


Project background:

Scientific evidence shows that greenhouse gas emissions are causing climate change. Many countries in the world are committed to reducing these emissions.

The ACT Government has supported Australian Dance Party to develop a media campaign, Move to Zero which involved the development of a series of four short dance films and media campaign to motivate community and individual action towards zero emissions in the ACT.

This survey forms part of the evaluation of Move to Zero and gives insight into changing perceptions and behaviours.

Supported by Community ZERO Emissions Grant Program, Dionysus, Screencraft, Her Canberra, 2degreesHub, MG Cultural Program and QL2 Dance.

Question Title

* 1. Please select your age bracket:

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* 2. Which of the Move to Zero film campaign (including any film, posters, images and stickers) have you seen? Select all that apply.

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* 3. How effective on the scale of 1-10, (10 = very effective) do you think each of the Move to Zero videos have been in increasing your awareness or keeping emissions reduction present in your mind?

  1 - Extremely low effectiveness 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Extremely Effective
Use No Plastic
Dive into a car pool
Make your home just right
Make your step

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* 4. Do you think the messages and suggested behaviours communicated in Move to Zero, positively contribute to reducing emissions? Please comment.

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* 5. Tick all that apply in relation to your response to the campaign:

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* 7. Please order the activities below according to their greenhouse gas emissions. ie. the least carbon emitting activity as number 1, the most as number 4.

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* 8. What do you think is the best temperature setting for winter and summer for air conditioning and heating?

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* 9. Are you using active transport? Tick all that apply to your fortnightly usage.

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* 10. Which statement below best describes your attitude towards plastic use?

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* 11. During the record temperatures in the ACT in this Summer, did you.... (tick all that apply)

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* 12. Would you like to see Move to Zero continue? If so, how would you like to see it develop?

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* 13. Why do you think reaching the target of zero emissions by 2045 is important?

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We appreciate your input in the development of Move to Zero strategy and our broader creative projects tackling sustainability issues. Please share it amidst your networks, friends and families.

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