A Program to Improve Graduation by Integrating Public Health Prevention and Primary Care in Schools

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Title:

Question Title

* 3. State:

Question Title

* 4. Date:

Question Title

* 5. Are you of Hispanic, Latino/a or Spanish origin?

Question Title

* 6. What is your race? (One or more category may be selected)

Question Title

* 7. What type of organization listed below best reflects where you work:


Question Title

* 8. To what extent did you achieve the objectives of this session?

Question Title

* 9. Evaluation of Content

  Excellent Good Average Fair Poor
Presentation met your needs
Presentation provided usable ideas and/or techniques
Program will improve professional effectiveness
Time for questions & answers was sufficient
Session met your expectations
Format and organization were effective
Handouts were useful

Question Title

* 10. To what extent was the speaker(s) for this module knowledgeable, organized, and effective in their presentation?

Question Title

* 11. Presenter Demonstrated Expertise of This Topic:

  Excellent Good Average Fair Poor
Terri Wright, PhD, MPH: Rationale and Context for Capacity Training
Michael Royster, MD, MPH: Institutionalized and Informal Structures
Terri Wright, PhD, MPH: Essential Functions of Public Health
Required Reading -- Two Articles
CSHE Team: Group Discussion Module 1

Question Title

* 12. Was the activity commercially biased?