MLA '18 Course and Symposia Idea Form

12% of survey complete.
MLA is now accepting ideas for thought-provoking and innovative courses and symposia to offer at the 2018 Annual Meeting and Exhibition in Atlanta, GA. What new topics or courses have caught your eye? Who is teaching a class or has expertise you would like to tap into? What classes from past meetings would you like to see offered again? Are you currently a course instructor or would you like to create a new course? The MLA Continuing Education Committee (CEC) wants to hear from you! You can suggest a topic you would like teach or see offered.

Courses and symposia will be held on Friday, May 18, and Saturday, May 19, 2018.

Suggestions must be submitted by Friday, December 16, 2016, for consideration.

*If your submitting a course or symposia idea and it is selected by the CEC, you will be asked to submit an official proposal using the MLA Educational Clearinghouse or the MLA Symposium Guidelines for final consideration at it’s May 2016 meeting. Instructions will be provided if your idea is selected.

Submissions are not editable once the form is submitted. Changes should be emailed to

Question Title

* 1. Is this idea submission for a course or symposium?