Exit this survey MIT Enterprise Forum Viewing Sites: May 2011 Jeff Immelt 1. Viewing Site Participation and Contact Information Question Title * 1. What is the name of your organization? Question Title * 2. Please enter the requested information for the main point of contact for your viewing site. Name Email address Work phone Mobile phone (for contact on night of live program emergency only) Website Venue for Viewing Site Question Title * 3. How does your viewing site plan to take part in the broadcast? Live web streaming video Archived webcast Question Title * 4. If you plan to participate as a delayed viewing site using the archived webcast, what date are you targeting to hold the program? Question Title * 5. Is this the first time you have participated as a viewing site for an MIT Enterprise Forum broadcast? Yes No Question Title * 6. How many attendees do you estimate will be in attendance at your viewing site? 1-10 11-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 200+ Question Title * 7. Please share any additional comments or points of contact here. Thank you. Done