Applications will be received until the cohorts are full.

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* 1. Personal Contact Information

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* 2. Ministry Information

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* 3. The two 2023-24 Missio cohorts will focus on building community, engagement and collaboration on the North side and East side, respectively. Which of these two cohorts are you applying for?

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* 4. In what way(s) are you grounded in the region (North side or East side) where your cohort will be engaging? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. Briefly describe your engagement in the local community (How are you connected with people or organizations on either North side or East side?)

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* 6. What training (if any) have you had for ministry and mission (schools, apprenticeships, bootcamps, discipleship?)

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* 7. Briefly describe any ministry experience.

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* 8. Please describe your current ministry/work setting(s), as well as, if different, the local church you are a part of.

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* 9. Are you connected with a denomination or network? If so, which one(s)?

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* 10. What is your age?

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* 11. How long have you lived in the Madison area?

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* 12. Current Experience

  Very poor Poor Not Good Average Above average Good Very Good Excellent
How would you rate your satisfaction with your current relationships with peers in ministry?
How would you rate your satisfaction with the quality your current relationships with mentors in ministry?
How would you rate your current spiritual vitality?
How is your ministry/work is going currently?
How would you rate the level of your connectedness with the (North or East) side?

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* 13. Rank what interests you most about Missio Cohorts.

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* 14. In a paragraph or two, what are your hopes for your experience as part of Missio Cohort?

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* 17. How do you feel about being part of a cohort of made up of local Christians from different denominations and theological traditions? Are you able and willing to offer respect, patience, grace, kindness, generosity and Christian love?

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* 18. Are you able to commit 10 hours per month, Sept-April? This includes monthly cohort gatherings on the second Friday of each month except October and March (10am-2pm, 9/8, 11/10, 12/8, 1/12, 2/9, 4/12), as well as reading, regular activities in your neighborhood, and scheduling team monthly team coaching sessions.

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* 19. Are you able to commit to the two, two-day retreats (October 2-3 and March 8-9)?

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* 20. Do you have any specific dietary restrictions or needs?

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* 21. Is there anything else you think we should know or consider?

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* 22. Do you have any questions?