
Thank you for participating in one of the SCRA Mini-Grant Programs. We are proud to support the work you and your community partners are doing. We appreciate you taking the time to complete this brief survey.

Privacy Notice: What you write on this form will help us evaluate the mini-grant process and impact. What you write here may also be used to showcase aspects of this work on the SCRA website, the communitypsychology.com website, the Community Psychologist, the Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, and in future mini-grant materials. If there is any information that you want kept private and not used for these purposes, please indicate that at the end of this form.
Please Note: If you received a grant from more than one SCRA mini-grant program you will need to complete this form separately for each grant you received.

Question Title

* 1. Grantee(s) Name(s)

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* 2. Contact Email

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* 3. Organization(s) affiliated with the project (if any).

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* 4. In which SCRA Mini-Grant Program did you participate?

Project Description

Question Title

* 6. Project Name/Title

Question Title

* 7. What was the primary goal of your grant project?

The next three questions address the relationship between your project and the mission, values and strategic plan of SCRA. If you are not familiar with these documents you can find them here: http://www.scra27.org/who-we-are/ and here: http://www.scra27.org/who-we-are/scra-strategic-plan/

Question Title

* 8. How does the primary goal of your project fit with the mission and values of SCRA?

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* 9. Indicate which of the strategic objectives of the SCRA Strategic Plan your project helped to advance. Choose as many as apply. 

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* 10. Please explain how your project relates to the strategic initiative(s) you selected above. 

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* 11. To what extent did you meet your initial goals for this project?

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* 12. Did your project result in changes to (select all that apply):

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* 13. What would you say is the primary result/impact of your project?

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* 14. How do you know those results occurred (what is your evidence)?

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* 15. What role did community members have in the process and implementation?

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* 16. What’s one thing you learned during the process of implementing this grant. It doesn’t have to be project specific, rather think of others who might be in similar situations in their own community - what advice would you give them?

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* 17. Are there plans to continue/expand the project?

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* 18. To what extent were you able to use this Mini-Grant to attract additional funds?

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* 19. Do you plan to disseminate or share your results and findings (or have you already done so)?

Question Title

* 20. Briefly explain to what extent your mini-grant considered or addressed issues of diversity and inclusion.

The following question (#21) is required if you received a Racial and Social Justice Mini-Grant from the Council on Cultural, Ethnic and Racial Affairs. All other grant recipients may choose to answer this question if they believe it pertains to their project.

Question Title

* 21. Provide a description of how the results will be disseminated and utilized to impact racial and social justice.

The following questions (#22 and #23) are required if you received a Public Policy Initiative Grant from the Public Policy Committee. All other grant recipients may choose to answer this question if they believe it pertains to their project.

Question Title

* 22. Describe the policy impact of your project.

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* 23. Do you have any suggestions for further SCRA or community engagement around the issue?

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* 24. Did you create any tools, resources, products, or materials that can be shared? [IF yes, please send to the following address: minigrants@scra27.org]

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* 25. Do we have your permission to disseminate your project on SCRA websites (scra27.org and communitypsychology.com), the SCRA newsletters, and/or the Global Journal of Community Psychology (https://www.gjcpp.org)?