Thank you for applying for an ICAN mini grant, with funding through DMHA! Generally awards are between $1,000 - $8,000 but amounts will vary based on available funding, scores of each application, and how many applications are funded.

All applications are due by September 13th, 5:00 p.m. PLEASE READ THROUGH ALL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATIONS MISSING ANY OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. Applications will be reviewed and scored and awards will be made based on those scores. Grantees will be notified by September 16th. Please contact Lisa Hutcheson at if you have any questions before submitting your application - we will help you identify and include missing information if needed.

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* 1. Applicant Contact information (please note this is for the institution's board of trustees or grant department contact, if applicable)

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* 2. Program contact (this is the person responsible for mini grant program implementation and reporting)

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* 3. program contact information

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* 4. Please tell us about the need for this program - the PROBLEM you plan to address (you can use as many data sources as you need, but please include the most recent ICAN survey data if your campus participated). Please include at least one problem you will address (if you have more than one please indicate priority by listing them in order from highest priority).

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* 5. Please tell us about the what RISK and PROTECTIVE FACTORS you are addressing. You can find more information about risk and protective factors here: Risk and Protective Factors

Please list at least 2 risk and protective factors that your program(s) will address (the risk and protective factors listed can be used across the lifespan).

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* 6. Please tell us about the PROGRAM(s), that you will be implementing and list the name of that program (at least one must be evidence based and taken from NREPP, College AIM, DMHA EBP or other approved list. If you do not include an EBP, you will not be eligible for funding). You can also include "promising practices" if you have data that shows that your program has been effective on your campus.

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* 7. Please tell us about your expected changes, or OUTCOMES, listing at least one short term outcome and one long term outcome. These outcomes must include numbers or percentages (ex: the percentage of students who can recall the 5 signs of alcohol poisoning will increase by 10%).

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* 8. Please tell us how much funding you are requesting (please be aware that all funding must be spent by June 30, 2025).

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* 9. Please provide a detailed budget. As a reminder, NONE of the mini grant funding can be used for food, snacks, beverages (unless already part of an approved program such as a mocktail party where students are educated on BAC, drink size, etc.) OR incentives for students that are equivalent to cash (gas cards, gift cards etc.). You CAN use this funding for "give away" items such as t-shirts, stress relief items, electronic items such as flash drives, etc. PLEASE contact ICAN if you have questions about your budget and what the funding can be used for before you submit your budget.

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* 10. Grant recipients are required to collect and report NOMS data (sex, age, race, ethnicity, etc) for each program related activity through the ICAN data collection form. Not collecting and reporting this data will make your campus ineligible to apply for future funding. Should you be awarded a mini grant, at least one person responsible for collecting this data will be required to watch a brief, online video on NOMS data collection and reporting. Each grantee is also required to submit a final report using the survey monkey link that will be provided. Please list the name and email of that person here (if this person changes, please email Lisa Hutcheson and let her know).

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* 11. Please tell us what other organizations or agencies you will be partnering/working with on your campus or in your community (check all that apply) - we strongly encourage you to build a relationship with the local prevention coalition in your community:

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* 12. Should you be awarded a mini-grant, the program coordinator or someone familiar with your proposal, will be required to attend the ICAN annual meeting, which can be written into your budget to cover travel costs  ( up to $300 can be used for travel to the meeting).  Is someone from your campus able to attend this meeting to present on your grant?

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* 13. As a mini grant recipient, you will be considered a vendor of MHAI.  Please submit a W9 (even if you have submitted one in the past)

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