Before we begin our mindfulness program lets complete a short 5-minute survey.
All survey questions and results are anonymous. 

Hello teachers,

For each question choose the answer that feels like the best match for you. We appreciate your honest answers and remember with this survey, all answers are ok!

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* 1. School where I teach

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* 2. I utilise mindfulness and meditation resources in the classroom

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* 3. I practise mindfulness and meditation outside of the classroom

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* 4. Each day I make time for my health and wellbeing, for example, walking, reading, healthy food, yoga etc

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* 5. I sleep well, 7- 8 hours a night.

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* 6. I worry about things a lot.

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* 7. I feel happy and positive.

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* 8. I'm in control of my emotions

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* 9. I feel stressed.

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* 10. I find it challenging to let go, unwind and relax.

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* 11. I avoid or push down uncomfortable feelings.

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* 12. I find it difficult to stay focused on what is happening in the present moment.

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* 13. I find it challenging to show up present and calm for my students each morning.

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* 14. I react easily or overreact to challenging students and situations

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* 15. I find it difficult to stay calm when students are misbehaving.

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* 16. I am aware of how my reactions and mood impact the students in my class.

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* 17. My students are generally focused and find it easy to pay attention in class.

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* 18. I find it challenging to calm my class down after recess or lunch, or whilst transitioning to other activities.

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* 19. My students are mostly kind and respectful towards one another as well as towards me.

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* 20. My students find it difficult to settle and calm down when there are distractions or other students misbehaving in the class.

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* 21. My students are generally self aware of how their words, actions and behaviour impact the students around them.

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* 22. My students are mostly resilient and cope well with challenges in the classroom and at school.

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* 23. Overall I believe the emotional wellbeing and happiness of my students is good.

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* 24. My students find it easy to show empathy and compassion towards one another as well as towards other human sufferings and global issues.