Bridging the Mental & Physical Disability Movements: New Extended Deadline, 23 December 2021.

Even though the main survey ended 23 December 2021, we are continuing to gather data and late replies will be read for at least a few days.

All who support empowerment of people with any kind of disability are invited to take this brief survey. Long-time activist, David W. Oaks, who identifies as having both mental & physical disabilities, is conducting this survey with his consulting business, Aciu! Institute, co-sponsored by MindFreedom International.

All individual survey results will remain private. Overall results will be provided to all survey-takers with a free resource guide about the bridge between mental & physical disability.

The survey is being sent widely to anyone, including Unitarian Universalists, however all faiths or non-faiths are very, very welcome!

To receive a summary of the results of this survey, be sure to click "Yes" on question 10 to get my blog updates.

For more info, please contact Aciu! Institute & David W. Oaks at

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* 1. Please provide your name & contact info (will be kept private).

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* 2. Please check all that apply about mental disability: I identify as a(n) . . .

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* 3. Please check which applies to you regarding physical disability:

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* 4. If you identify as having a physical disability, please check all that apply:

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* 5. For Unitarian Universalists (UU): Check all that apply.

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* 6. Check all that apply about the "justice system" and/or involuntary "care": I have lived experience with the following . . .

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* 7. Social media: Check all that apply. I currently use . . .

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* 8. What do you think are one or two of the main barriers to uniting the movements for mental & physical disability?

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* 9. Your suggestion(s) to unite the mental & physical disability movements, especially to address the emergency of the climate crisis.

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* 10. Would you like your email to be added to be notified about David Oaks' blog & news, especially about bridging the mental & physical disability movements? (No more than once a month. Your email address will be private and not shared.)